I think I shall never see...
May 31, 2012
How about when they start asking about the appropriate height of trees?
Believe it or not, that was one of the questions Public Policy Polling asked in a May survey of voters in Michigan.
The headline of the news release the pollsters issued was that Obama didn't have to worry too much in Michigan -- he apparently leads Romney 53 to 39 percent in the state.
But Question 8 on the survey -- right between "Do you consider Mitt Romney to be a Michigander or not?" and "Who did you vote for in 2008?" -- is the fateful question:
"In Michigan, do you think the trees
are the right height, or not?"
Not to build too much suspense, more than half (55%) of Michiganders aren't sure, more than a third (38%) think they're the right height, and a small minority (8%) think they're not.
The real kicker is that people who voted for Obama are much more likely than McCain supporters to think trees in Michigan are the right height, 44% to 27%.
What's that say about Obama supporters? Thanks to the Drudge Report and Fox News, I suspect we'll all find out soon enough.